new to the shop: Laugh Cry Repeat by the designers behind Anzevino & Florence. This new line bridges the gap between couture and contemporary. Inspired by the contrasts of casual and dressy, playful and stoic, the collection features modern silhouettes in a unique mixture of fabrics and colors.

Scarlett loves Laugh Cry Repeat Tee's and she also loves singing with Pete Yorn, who I love. Pete and Scarlett deserve a post just for them, so I'll save my story of how I fell in love with Pete for later. I will say that the first time we met, was also the day I met Winona Ryder (big disappointment) and Ryan Adams, my other love and not a disappointment in any way.
Scarlett and Pete are also fellow vegetarians so from Friday thru Monday all clothing in the shop will be 25% off, yes this includes sale items. Discount code will be TOFUTURKEY