Memorial weekend was spent at the family estate at Campo Lopez in Primo tapia, Mexico. We hadn't been in over two years because of the crap that has been going on in TJ, but we couldn't deprive ourselves any longer, so we packed the car with our luggage, our offspring and our dogs and went. 

Campo Lopez is really more Nachos sanctuary. He was born down there and even though he has been raised by us in San Diego he still knows his roots. The moment that Mexico air hit he perked up.

I did the moment I saw the big Jesus.

top notch security system at campo Lopez, no one is getting by Manuel unless they know the right password.

We always let Nacho out when we get to the camp so he can try to beat us to the house.

Sometimes he bumps into old relatives.

sunset from our deck.

Hours of partying later

That was my face the first time I went down there too.

The next morning we slept in and then hit up our favorite spot for the best huevos rancheros ever.

A quick stop at Puerto Nuevo for a couple beers, a dress to add on to my collection, an offer to buy some heroin and or Viagra, a new addition to my hand jewelry when I bought the most amazing knuckle ring that I talked down from $30 to $8 and I still think I paid too much. All within an hour, god I love this place.

I picked the yellow.

Ryan had a genuis idea to go all the way to the Tecate border to avoid traffic...3 hours later I had nothing to do but start taking pictures of their hilarious billboards.

You can't leave Mexico without a bag of churros.

I hate leaving.