9. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Awesomely ghoulish.
8. Holiday Inn. Best holiday musical.....and yes, the hotel chain was named after this movie.
7. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Clark Griswold is the shit.
6. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Zoey, Arrow and Rudolph form the best animated love trangle.
5. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Ok, so this doesnt really qualify as a Christmas movie, since it's about two guys trying to get home in time for Thanksgiving, but it's still a holiday movie and a John Hughes classic.
4. Scrooged. Dickens would be proud.
3. Elf. Nothing Will Ferrell does is ever bad.
2. Home Alone. "One cheese pizza all to myself." I think I secretly became a vegetarian just so I could say this every time the pizza man came.
1. It's a Wonderful Life. I know this sounds really predictable (not as predictable as if I picked "A Christmas Story" which I can't stand!) seriously though this isnt just a top 10 for the holidays, this is a top ten of all time.
In case you were wondering, Gremlins came in at number 11.
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